My First Migraine!

I want to share with you my first Migraine experience

I’m currently in the postdrome (the final stage of the migraine), and I am experiencing with it a kind of Euphoria, which I know to be a sign of this stage. and screens are still a little hard to look at, but what the heck… here goes.

If you’ve been reading this blog you probably know that I developed The Migraine & Headache Relief Method as a therapist, to help others. I was not a Migraineur myself, I simply received many patients with headaches and migraines and found that I could help them with the techniques I learned, and developed new ones where there were none. If you want to read about how I developed the method you can read in this blog post.

And I had always based my knowledge of the condition on what my patients were describing to me. I actually never thought that I would experience it for myself. I was wrong.

My first migraine experience

About 44 hours ago I had my first migraine attack. I was sitting at a friends house, when all of the sudden I  started to see a kind of Quarter circle / C shape of simmering colorful zigzag lines at the top left corner of my visual field. Being now in the business of helping migraine patients over come their condition for some time I immediately thought “f*&k me… is that an aura?”. It was Iconic, exactly how it is described in texts, images and videos (almost exactly…. point in a moment).

I was astounded… and weirdly enough excited at the same time. It was also weird…. If I was getting a migraine, why would it be happening? Is it some kind of weird “gift” life was giving me to better understand my clients? could I somehow somatically create this out of desire or will? as weird as it was, it was not a symptom one can simply recreate… it is visual, unmistaken and specific.

This unfolding of experience and my reaction to it reminded me of a great TED talk I watched where a neurologist was describing her experience of having a stroke. It’s a great talk and you can watch it here.

Now… I’m not a neurologist, and a migraine is not as dangerous, or exciting as a stroke, but I could relate with her sense of wonder when she was watching this phenomenon from the inside.

Observing it unfold

I was observing the C-Shape expand, slowly towards the edge of my field of vision, as well as down, turning larger and larger. Watching it was painful, or better said uncomfortable. yeah…. uncomfortable is a better term, it wasn’t physically painful, but it was also somehow irritating. two things surprised me at this stage:

The first was that the colorful zigzag lines were only on the top part of the visual field (I was closing one eye and then the other to see how it looks from each eye etc….) the bottom part of the C shape was just in black and white.
The second thing that surprised me was the area just next to the C shape. in most images it is depicted as being grey, it’s a blind spot. Maybe some people experience it as grey…. for me it was different, it’s like I could not see what was there… but it was still there. It’s like the brain could not make out what was being seen in that region. I knew there were colors and shapes there, but my mind couldn’t make sense of them, and so I can’t say what I saw there, only that there was something…. and it was very very irritating and unpleasant, like a kind of abrasive experience that cannot be run from.

The Aura continued expanding… I’m not sure how long. I was feeling very irritated and sensitive, and lights were really bothering. sound also. Then the Aura calmed down, and my head started to hurt on the right side. which was another interesting point…. the Left visual field is processed by the right side of the brain… but I Haven’t yet found research showing any correlation between the laterality of the aura, and an opposite laterality of pain.

Deciding not to treat it

The pain was quite sharp, but not very intense, maybe a 7. Almost instinctively I began performing technique #1 from the Migraine & Headache Relief method… you can find it here. I did it for maybe 1 minute, the pain was dropping, and a part of me went… “WAIT !!!! why don’t you experience this all the way through and see how it is like?!”. And that made sense. It would give me so much insight. So I stopped the technique and let the pain set back in.

The pain was not too bad actually, Migraines can vary in intensity of pain, and there are even Migraines with Aura with no headache. I found I was still very irritable, with a sensitivity to light and sound, and with some slight nausea, all this took place at night time, and so I decided to just let it be and go to sleep. the pain was not too bad and wasn’t keeping me from sleeping, and closing the eyes and going into a dark quite room was helpful.

Day 2 & another insight

I woke up very much the same. I was very irritable, with nausea, the pain was not bad, I had pain on the top of my head, and especially behind my eyes, it was on both sides now, not only on one side as the night before.

But there were other sensations which were almost unbearable, I had a heaviness on my head which did not feel painful, but it was uncomfortable, and that discomfort on some mental level was horrendous.

And then there was the brain fog…. I could not think. I was disoriented. Answering any text on the phone took ages and I couldn’t type without typos. and my eyes hurt, seeing the world hurt. I could not get anything done. And nothing could distract me from it. I spent most of the day just waiting for the day to end. I started to think about treating it. but I decided to still avoid applying my method…. ok… I did do one technique for the pain in the eyes (Technique #2) which alleviated some of the pain. but I knew it would not be enough and I would need a full session to treat myself, and I wanted to see this through… from start to finish.

So the day moved on… and honestly, now I can’t really remember what I did. It’s all lost in this fog…

But in the evening I needed to babysit for a friend. And I found that having kids running around was not fun at all (and I’m generally fond of the creatures on a regular day). Brain fogged, and Irritated I passed the evening with the kids and then went home and to sleep. It had been a little over 24 hours into the migraine…

Day 3 – my breaking point

Now… I’m ok with pain… I can handle it. But Nausea…. I’m not so good with that one. I woke up on the 3rd day, about 36 hours after the attack started with a deep nausea and wish to vomit, the pain was still the same. brain fog the same. and irritability the same. And a new symptom… my neck was painful on the right side, and I had pain between my shoulder blades.

After getting out of bed (barely) I decided that this would be a good moment to get a taste of my own medicine, and apply the technique on myself. The pain was fine… but the nausea got me… I’m just not good with that sensation.

Another interesting point I encountered which I know most of you have encountered as well was a drop in motivation. I couldn’t get myself to do anything, I didn’t want to do anything except crawl into bed and stay there… but the nausea was worse than my lack of motivation. I know it’s tough to start the process, but the first technique of the Migraine sequence is easy… so I thought I’d start with that and if I am motivated I will continue.

A taste of my own medicine

I started with Technique #22 – “The Pyloric Massage” that I used to treat others’ nausea, this is the first technique in the migraine sequence. My nausea was gone in 2 minutes. I kept at it to make sure, feeling my stomach gurgling and tensions lifting… I followed it by Technique #20 – “The Back roll”, and some technique #17 – “Neck Stretches”.

Now I know from my experience treating others that emotional releases tend to happen, I’m not saying that these emotions are the cause of the migraine, although it very well might be so, but I have noticed that when people release the pain of the Migraine sometimes it coincides with an emotional release.

Mine was of a great sorrow, I had been carrying a deep sadness in my chest for weeks, months. I knew it, I know what it’s about, and I haven’t been able to let it go. I still haven’t let it go, but I experienced it, I allowed myself to feel it, I felt this released something in myself, both in the pain and tension in the neck as well as a little in the head.

And so I continued my self treatment with Technique #4 – “The Suboccipital Massage” and Techniques #3, #2, & #1. And just a dash of #8 & #10.

It worked! My brain fog lifted, the pain behind my eyes was gone. I had clarity again. I had clarity again, this affected me the most. I still had… still have pain between the shoulder blades… It’s a tough one to get out, but the rest is all back to normal. And I am so thankful for that.

Postdrome & one final surprise

Euphoria…. It’s quite funny. The text books say this is one of the symptoms a person can experience in the postdrome… still as almost every other turn in my experience this one too was a surprise. I felt so happy, it almost overshadowed my deep sadness, and I felt super productive, I have space inside of me to help, to work to write this blog. It’s a funny rebound.


So now I’m about 45 hours past the time my Migraine had started, what a ride it’s been. As it was happening I was messaging one of my friends, who is also using the method, she has very intense migraines, and she is still figuring out how to use the method. Like a child I was sharing with her… “OMG now I feel this, and now I feel that”. It was exciting.

Now I’m wondering how this happened, and what it means. Am I going to have more Migraines (I hope not), What triggered this one (I don’t know), Did I somehow induce this myself (No clue)… But what I do know is that I gained a ton from this experience, and I am happy I decided to wait with treating myself to really experience it. It also makes me wonder how many people experience a single migraine in their life, and perhaps, not knowing what it is, never know that they had.

And while having one Migraine does not make me a Migraineur I feel I now have so much insight and ability to understand You.

I wish us both a pain free day, week, month, year, life.



Managing Stress For Migraines

How Does Stress Affect Us?

Stress is a very common migraine trigger, 4 out of 5 people with migraines report stress as a trigger. It’s not clear how stress causes migraines, partly because it’s not really clear to anyone what exactly causes migraines, but we definitely see a connection between stress and both tension type headaches and migraines.

But how does stress actually turn into a Migraine? There are a few things that happen when we are stressed.

  • The muscles especially in the area of the neck, jaw and head may tense up. Many migraine patients suffer from pain in the neck, and doctors are still trying to understand if this pain is a symptom of the migraine or rather a trigger for it.
  • Stress hormones change the way the brain functions, making certain functions over-stimulated and others under-stimulated. This includes our sensitivity to pain, and our focus on painful stimulus.
  • Finally stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, and an overly active and depleted sympathetic nervous system has been linked to being a cause of migraines.

But wait…. it get’s worse 🙁

Unfortunately, one of the main causes of stress is… chronic pain, which means that if at first the stress is the cause of your migraine, the chronic pain you suffer due to your migraine itself may later become the cause of the stress. this creates a vicious cycle where the Migraine causes your stress, and your stress causes your migraine, and on an on the cycle goes, worsening over time.

And even worse…

It goes even deeper than that, some researches today such as the 2013 research by Nasim MalekiLino Becerra, and David Borsook titled “Migraine: Maladaptive Brain Responses to Stress“. Have demonstrated that Migraine might be the brain’s response to stress. Which means that this vicious cycle goes beyond temporary effect. The brain is ‘plastic’ which means it keeps changing over time. this change can be positive and it can be negative.

The negative aspect is that stress changes certain brain centers, this change will remain even after the stress is removed, the research I mentioned above shows that Migraines might be one of those changes. And as was mentioned before migraines in their turn can also become a cause that changes the structure of the brain, producing more migraines, and more stress. And this is partly why migraines can be so hard to overcome. But… there is also good news.


How to make it better?

Ok, remember we said that the brain was ‘plastic’, that it could change. In the same way that negative stressors and chronic pain can shape the brain in a way that makes our lives harder, other things that manage stress can help us in two ways:

  1. It breaks the cycle
  2. In the long run they can reshape the brain in way that diminishes migraines. <— wait till the end of the post to see how to practically do this.

Promoting Relaxation & Managing Stress

Before I share with you the stronger methods that will speed the changes in your brain for the better I would like to present to you some general points, and some general techniques that will promote de-stressing and  relaxation. The reason I share these first is that if you just do any of the deeper techniques, without taking care of yourself in your day to day life will make them far less effective. It’s not that they will not work, they will, but for the best effects you need to take care of yourself on multiple levels at the same time.

Put yourself first

This does not mean you are egoistic, even if you have people in your life you are taking care of you still need to put yourself first, if you are not functioning you cannot help anyone else. Sacrificing yourself for someone else does not help them. Even firefighters need to make sure that they are relatively safe before entering into a burning building, if the fire is too hot they will not be able to rescue anyone.

Get your priorities straight

Life decisions and responsibilities can be a major stressors, make sure you set your priorities, deal now with what you need to deal now and leave for later what can be postponed, trying to tackle everything at the same time can overwhelm us.

Get enough sleep

Another study from 2013 of over two hundred migraine patients, found that more than 85% had poor sleep quality, which was connected for them with headache frequency, depression, and anxiety. In an article, titled “Sleep, Insomnia, and Migraine,” Drs. Halker, Vargas, and Dodick introduce a simple treatment plan for better sleep.  some of the tips for making your sleep better include: avoiding food  at least 2 hours and caffeine at least 6 hours before going to bed, getting to bed at the same time every night, and avoiding screens for an hour before bedtime.

Eat well

Foods can help mitigate or relieve stress. Comfort foods, which can be anything that makes you feel cozy and at home, and therefore are different for each person, boost the levels of serotonin, a calming brain chemical in your brain. In addition, all carbs stimulate serotonin production, especially if these are complex carbs that are digested slowly and have a longer effect on your bloodstream. Complex carbs also keep a balanced blood sugar level which helps maintain calmness. try consuming whole grain carbs, such as whole breads, whole grain pasta etc. And if you feel you are getting stressed taking a bit of sugary food momentarily can help you avoid going down the stress highway.

Take foods rich in Vitamin-C, Magnesium, Omega-3 fatty foods.

Finally Other foods can cut levels of cortisol and adrenaline, stress hormones that work against serotonin, to lower these consume foods such as: dark chocolate, bananas and pears, black or green tea, and probiotics.

Make time for your loved ones

Studies have shown that spending time together with loved ones reduces stress. And sharing in conversation with people, even strangers can have the same effect. So schedule time to be with your friends and family and share your life, and  how you feel with them.

Do things you enjoy

Even if our life circumstances may be difficult overall, In the moments when we are having fun our body relaxes. Try to do one fun thing a day!


Learning how to relax

Let’s go beyond prevention, and let’s talk about something proactive, researches demonstrate that using relaxation techniques that aim at a physical relaxation of the body most often coupled with guided imagery have an effect of lowering cortisol levels, and test subjects that had been in the group performing the relaxation scored lower on a test score.

In my next blog I will explore the different techniques of relaxation, the benefits and drawbacks of the different methods and approaches.

How To Get Rid Of A Headache

If you are having a Headache right now, I know that reading might just be too much.
If that is you then just try the primary technique I use to stop a headache, I put it fully guided in the video below.
After you do it you can continue reading. It takes about 7 minutes to do, and it is totally worth it.



If you’ve watched the video, and performed the exercise with me on the screen one of the following things would have happened:


  • Your headache has completely disappeared, or…
  • It may have disappeared but has come back a bit
  • It just diminished but has not completely disappeared
  • The pain is still there, but you felt some emotional or physiological release
  • It changed its location <- this one is the most surprising effect I would say


If it is any one of these cases then you need a couple more of these exercises. Go to the end of the page to see were you can access them.

What Causes Headaches? And How To Relieve Them

There are many processes that cause headaches:

  • Emotional Tention
  • Muscular Tention
  • Digestive Issues
  • Metabolic issues

but whatever the underlying issue (which I will instruct you how to resolve as well) the pain itself is caused by certain parts of the brain that monitor nerves becoming de-regulated & un-calibrated.


A center deep in the brain called the TCN monitors the main nerve of the face and head, the Trigeminal Nerve.

Normally this center is supposed to inform us when we feel pain coming from the face, like in the case that we were cut or stung by a bee, but in headaches, due to all the causes mentioned above this center begins to send signals of pain without any cause. In addition, two parts of the brain: the Thalamus (the part that filters signals from the nerves) and in the Somatosensory Cortex (the part which interprets the sensations coming from the nerves) become hyper sensitive, they are on the outlook for pain all the time and so react more strongly to these messages.

So what do we need to do?

We need to re-calibrate our brain, so pain is pain, and everything else is not.

How The Method I demonstrated Stops A Headache

Ok, so now I’ll explain how the method in the video works. It’s very cool. It looks very simple, but actually it is a very complex bio-hack that we are applying to ourselves. And when you understand the complexity of it you will understand why no medication or gadget can do what you just did youself.

The pressure that we apply on the sides of the temples presses on the nerve endings in those areas. When that happens it triggers the TCN, the part deep in the brain which is responsible for the pain in migraines, this is why the pain temporarily increases.

Then we use two bio-hacking techniques to Recalibrate the TCN.

One is the awareness that we keep, not reacting and just observing, this awareness activated a part in the front of the brain called the Medial Pre-Frontal Cortex, and this part of the brain can start to recalibrate the TCN, it kind of tells the TCN “look, this is not pain, it’s just pressure”.

But we need to apply another trick to get the TCN to accept the calibration, and this is where the posture, the movement, the weird mouth position and the breathing come into play.

All these together activate a nerve called the Vagus Nerve which completes the action of the recalibration.

You may have heard about the vagus nerve, because there are gadgets that are supposed to activate it externally with electricity to help with migraines. this nerve connects the gut and many other organs to the brain, it is this nerve that is responsible for many of the digestive side effects of migraines.

Why does the pain move to another location in the head?

This happens because we calibrated the part in the TCN which was connected to the nerve endings we were pressing on, sometimes we need to apply the technique to some other nerve endings, for each location we will need different methods to press and different methods to recalibrate, but the basic principle is the same. activate the nerve endings and recalibrate them.

What To Do Next

As I wrote above if you have done the technique I was demonstrating your Headache may have been relieved only temporarily, or just diminished, or most likely moved to another part of the head. This happens because while we re-calibrated one part of the TCN, until we have re-calibrated it completely it can become un-calibrated again.

So what we need to do now is to re-calibrate a couple of more spots. how many? this really depends on the intensity of the headache. For a mild headache it can be one or two more techniques, for a severe headache it can be 5 or 6, or even more. some of the techniques only take a minute to apply, some take more.

How Many ‘Re-calibration Techniques” Are There?

All in all I have 25 intervention techniques that I use, I call these intervention techniques because we can apply them to stop the headache, so they are more than prevention. Of course you don’t need to use all the 25, but I’ve found that each person needs a different set out of these 25 techniques. Each of the techniques is designed to treat a different type of pain, you can see the various pains the techniques can deal with in the diagram below that I took out of “The Migraine & Headache CheatSheet”.

How Can I get all these ‘Re-calibration Techniques”?

I have made guided videos like the one you watched for each of these techniques. I have made videos explaining how to combine these techniques, in which sequence to apply and when. As well as a headache cheat-sheet that can guide you wherever you are.

And then I wrapped everything up together with a bunch of other videos with prevention techniques, auxiliary techniques and tips and made into an online course.

And then I made this website, to find you, who needs this method. So you can have access to this method, so you can learn how to reset your brain and to stop any headache.


Here is what some of the people who have tried it have to say about it:

Can I ask you about this method before committing to purchase it?

Of course! If you are not sure write me a message, I’m always happy to answer. just use the contact form below and send me a message

Let’s connect

We’d love to help you overcome your migraines and headaches

How To Get Rid Of A Migraine

If you are having a Migraine right now, I know that reading might just be too much.
If that is you then just try the primary technique I use to stop a migraine headache, I put it fully guided in the video below.
After you do it you can continue reading. It takes about 7 minutes to do, and it is totally worth it.



If you’ve watched the video, and performed the exercise with me on the screen one of the following things would have happened:


  • Your migraine has completely disappeared, or…
  • It may have disappeared but has come back a bit
  • It just diminished but has not completely disappeared
  • The pain is still there, but you felt some emotional or physiological release
  • It changed its location <- this one is the most surprising effect I would say


If it is any one of these cases then you need a couple more of these exercises. Go to the end of the page to see were you can access them.


How To Stop A Migraine

There are three main things that happen in the brain when we have a migraine:
  1. A center deep in the brain called the TCN get’s out of calibration and starts producing pain signals for no apparent reason.
  2. An electrical storm called a Cortical Spreading depression creates various phenomena like the migraine aura
  3. Something called the Para-Sympathetic Nervous System is depleted.
So to stop a migraine we have to undo these three things. We need to:
  1. Recalibrate the TCN
  2. Stop any Cortical Spreading Depression
  3. Give a rest to our Sympathetic nervous system

Before I tell you in practice how to do this you might want to know a bit more about these three parts of the nervous system. but you can also skip to the more practical part.

What Causes Migraines? A Deeper Look 

first thing to know is that the 3 factors I listed above were listed in the order of how we work to solve the migraine, because we will always work backwards, but in fact migraines are caused by the reverse process

Sympathetic Nervous System Depletion

The Sympathetic Nervous System is one half of what is called the Autonomic Nervous System. this is the part of the nervous system that regulates our deep body functions. It has two parts:

  1. The ParaSympathetic Nervous System that calms us down, brings rest to our body and mind.
  2. The Sympathetic Nervous System which is active when we are stressed, excited, angry or scared.

We need these two systems to be in balance to live a happy healthy life. But in migraine, the Sympathetic Nervous System becomes chronically active, when it is constantly active it gets depleted. And it’s actually when it is depleted that we suffer the Migraine symptoms.

So we are going to need to let this part of our nervous system rest.


Cortical Spreading Depression

Another factor in Migraines is that a process called a cortical spreading depression (CSD) which is a kind of electrical storm that spreads along the brain, where suddenly all the neuorons on the surface of the brain become active. this creates various phenomena like the migraineous aura (that’s why in visual migrain aura for example it starts in one area and spreads across the visual field).

This storm is thought to leave in its wake many inflammatory chemicals, which then trigger pain receptors and starts the pain phase of the migraine attack, this is why the Aura precedes the pain.

So if we are in the middle of this Cortical Spreading Depression we need to find a way to stop it. If it has already happened we need to find a way to clean the brain from those inflammatory chemicals


Finally, the main symptom of pain that comes with the migraine is caused by a center deep in the brain called the TCN becoming uncalibrated. The TCN monitors the main nerve of the face and head, the Trigeminal Nerve.

Normally this center is supposed to inform us when we feel pain coming from the face, like in the case that we were cut or stung by a bee, but in a migraine this center begins to send signals of pain without any cause. why it does so is unclear, but what is important is that we have a way to undo this. let me explain this way now.

How The Method I demonstrated Stops An Active Migraine

Ok, so now I’ll explain how the method in the video works. It’s very cool. It looks very simple, but actually it is a very complex bio-hack that we are applying to ourselves. And when you understand the complexity of it you will understand why no medication or gadget can do what you just did youself

1. Recalibrating the TCN

The pressure that we apply on the sides of the temples presses on the nerve endings in those areas. When that happens it triggers the TCN, the part deep in the brain which is responsible for the pain in migraines, this is why the pain temporarily increases.

Then we use two bio-hacking techniques to Recalibrate the TCN.

One is the awareness that we keep, not reacting and just observing, this awareness activated a part in the front of the brain called the Medial Pre-Frontal Cortex, and this part of the brain can start to recalibrate the TCN, it kind of tells the TCN “look, this is not pain, it’s just pressure”.

But we need to apply another trick to get the TCN to accept the calibration, and this is where the posture, the movement, the weird mouth position and the breathing come into play.

All these together activate a nerve called the Vagus Nerve which completes the action of the recalibration.

You may have heard about the vagus nerve, because there are gadgets that are supposed to activate it externally with electricity to help with migraines. this nerve connects the gut and many other organs to the brain, it is this nerve that is responsible for many of the digestive side effects of migraines.

Why does the pain move to another location in the head?

This happens because we calibrated the part in the TCN which was connected to the nerve endings we were pressing on, sometimes we need to apply the technique to some other nerve endings, for each location we will need different methods to press and different methods to recalibrate, but the basic principle is the same. activate the nerve endings and recalibrate them.

2. Stopping a Spreading Cortical Depression

Most often by the time you realize you have a migraine the Spreading Cortical Depression has already ended, so our task is more how to relieve the leftovers of the cortical spreading depression.

If you do manage to catch the Spreading Cortical Depression as it is happening the application of the technique I showed you, with some personal guided instructions can help. but this requires more space than I have here to explain so I will keep that for a future post.

The main way to get rid of the inflammatory substances from the brain is to allow the the self cleaning mechanisms of the brain come into effect. In the brain there is a kind of drainage system called the Glymphatic System.

This system is most active when we are asleep and especially when we are lying on our sides. That is why sleep help to recover from migraines. What I do is I use is a technique coming from the world of yoga that makes the sleep even deeper, which can be applied after the techniques.

3. Allowing the Sympathetic Nervous System To Rest

The 3rd and final part is calming down the Sympathetic nervous system. In the technique you just did what calmed down the Sympathetic Nervous System was the breathing and the instruction to “relax all the muscles”. But we can do more than that, there are techniques we can apply to regularly calm our Sympathetic Nervous System, if we do those techniques regularly we will have less migraines overall.

What To Do Next

As I wrote above if you have done the technique I was demonstrating your Migraine may have been relieved only temporarily, or just diminished, or most likely moved to another part of the head. This happens because while we re-calibrated one part of the TCN, until we have re-calibrated it completely it can become un-calibrated again.

So what we need to do now is to re-calibrate a couple of more spots. how many? this really depends on the intensity of the migraine. For a mild Migraine it can be one or two more techniques, for a severe migraine it can be 5 or 6, or even more. some of the techniques only take a minute to apply, some take more.

How Many ‘Re-calibration Techniques” Are There?

All in all I have 25 intervention techniques that I use, I call these intervention techniques because we can apply them to stop the migraine, so they are more than prevention. Of course you don’t need to use all the 25, but I’ve found that each person needs a different set out of these 25 techniques. Each of the techniques is designed to treat a different type of pain, you can see the various pains the techniques can deal with in the diagram below that I took out of “The Migraine & Headache CheatSheet”.

How Can I get all these ‘Re-calibration Techniques”?

I have made guided videos like the one you watched for each of these techniques. I have made videos explaining how to combine these techniques, in which sequence to apply and when. As well as a Migraine cheat-sheet that can guide you wherever you are.

And then I wrapped everything up together with a bunch of other videos with prevention techniques, auxiliary techniques and tips and made into an online course.

And then I made this website, to find you, who needs this method. So you can have access to this method, so you can learn how to reset your brain and to stop any migraine.


Here is what some of the people who have tried it have to say about it:

Can I ask you about this method before committing to purchase it?

Of course! If you are not sure write me a message, I’m always happy to answer. just use the contact form below and send me a message

Let’s connect

We’d love to help you overcome your migraines and headaches

How the method came to be.

Small Beginnings

Let me share with you how this method came to be. About 15 years ago, as part of my training to be a yoga teacher, I encountered a method of Armenian Chiropractics that had in it many different techniques, 5 of those techniques were helpful in cases of headaches. After practicing this form of chiropractics for a while I decided to practice other things, It was my move from the world of Yoga to the World of Therapy. But, when I was working with clients, when they would present with headaches I would use from time to time these 5 techniques, to help remove the pain so we could focus on the session at had. Over time I discarded 2 of the techniques that I felt were too aggressive and had some risks in them, I wanted this method to be completely safe, and so I was left with 3 techniques. These 3 techniques btw are techniques 1,2 & 5 of the method I have developed.

3 Techniques

These 3 techniques helped… they would diminish the pain, but most often not relieve it completely, something was missing. As the years past I deepened my study of human Neurology, Psychology and Anatomy, and the more I learned different models of therapy I picked up small bits that I found that when added to these 3 techniques made them more effective, such as the breathing, the posture, the relaxation and more, These are all the basic principles of the technique that you will find in Section 2 of the course. It were these elements which took the technique from just helping a bit with the pain, to completely relieving from it, I found that it was the unique combination of the elements that made it all work and which differentiated it from other headache relief methods I had encountered.

A Step Forward

Then in 2017 the next major development started to happen, I was treating a young woman for a headache which was presenting in the front of her head, and applied the techniques that I had learned and practiced for years, and they did offer her relief from the pain she was experiencing, however her pain did not disappear and simply moved to another part of the head. This had happened many times before, to which point I usually accepted that this was all I could offer to the person, but not this time.

My Contribution

I have what you may call a good sense of empathy, Neurologists would attribute this perhaps to highly developed mirror neurons, these neurons in a sense make us feel what the person we are observing is feeling. And so I could in a sense “feel” where her pain was, and more than that I felt what would help me relieve it. And so I decided to apply a new technique, one based on some traditional Indian practice, but which was never, to the best of my knowledge, applied to headaches. And it worked. That moment I decided I would never let a Headache or Migraine ‘Win’, that I would keep working until I found a technique for any kind of pain I was presented with, and so I began to experiment, using my sensitivity to identify how the pain was moving, and based on all the techniques I had learned in other places, and when there were none, simply developing them by myself.

I kept developing this method, every time I was presented with a harder and harder case and every time I did tried more and more things until I reached a resolution of the pain. If in the beginning I could maybe help 30% of headache sufferers, by the end of the development of this method I felt I had reached close to 100% effectiveness in treating tension type headaches, and 90% effectiveness in treating migraines, And I mean relieving the pain completely….

A Heartfelt Wish To Help

The next development was made when I was asked for support from a distance. A friend of mine, suffering from a rare form of headaches similar to Cluster Headaches, was asking for help. I understood I needed to turn this technique from a method I could use to help myself and others to a method anyone could apply on themselves.

So I stopped giving headache relief treatments, and instead I would guide the other person, without touching their body, just with words so they would apply the techniques for themselves. In this way I found different and new ways to do the techniques when they are self-applied (there are some crucial differences between applying this to ourselves than to treating others). After a few months of working in this way I felt I had the entire method ready for self-application. I had been working on it for 3 years. And just needed to film it.

An Unwarranted Break

And so In early 2020, when Covid-19 struck the world I found I was locked down, and used the opportunity to film and bring to life the method that you can find on this website. Each one of the techniques has been tested, modified for self-appliance, and tested more. And now all you need to do is to apply it. So go try the first technique and you will see that even this one technique can help you immensely, then if you purchase the course you will learn all the elements which make it even more effective, and you will learn all the sequences, how to deal with Migraines, and 25 techniques in total that address any and all kinds of head pains.