How it works

The Science behind the Method
Each headache is different: different types of pain, intensity or location. Each one of our Intervention techniques is designed to alleviate a different type of migraine or headache. With more than 20+ techniques at your fingertips you will be guided to find the technique or sequence that will work for you.
The Science behind the Method
Each headache is different: different types of pain, intensity or location. Each one of our Intervention techniques is designed to alleviate a different type of migraine or headache. With more than 20+ techniques at your fingertips you will be guided to find the technique or sequence that will work for you.

The main facial nerve involved in migraines is the Trigeminal nerve. It gives us the ability to feel and control the face and top of the head. The Signals from this nerve are processed in a center deep in the midbrain called the trigeminal caudal nucleus or TCN.

It is believed that this center, when ‘out of calibration’ interprets all the signals from the Trigeminal Nerve as pain.
In migraines the condition is made worse by two factors, one is the exhaustion and depletion of neurotransmitters of the sympathetic nervous system and the other is the “electrical storm” which occurs in the cortex. It is not exactly clear to scientists how these two interact in migraines, but it has been demonstrated that these two phenomena appear together in migraineurs.

We believe The Migraine & Headache Relief MethodTM affects how the TCN center interprets the signals from the Trigeminal nerve by creating a down regulating bio-feedback loop between it, and the anterior cingulate & prefrontal cortexes. Together with an activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (the part of the nervous system that calms the body, and allows the Sympathetic nervous system to recover) achieved through activating the vagus nerve it regulates the brain and brings it back to normal.
Simply put, the method hacks the brain. Using pressure points to stimulate the nerve endings of the head and face it then uses the other elements of the method, which work on various brain centers to ‘re-calibrate’ the brain. Effectively ending the Migraine Attack (or headache) and bringing the entire nervous system back to normal.
Complete List of Benefits
- Do it yourself.
- Works fast. Faster than medications!
- Easy to perform - everyone can do it, even kids. And you can do it anywhere at any time!
- No Medications!
- No Dependencies!
- No Side Effects!
- No gadgets - Just you healing yourself with your own two hands.
- It really works. For everyone, from small Headaches to the worst Migraines.
- Risk free purchase with a 30 day money back guarantee!
- Only method available (to our knowledge) that can get rid of a migraine or headache after it has erupted.
- Super easy to learn! just follow the instructions on the screen. everything is guided. and adaptive to your individual needs
- No need to memorize anything.
- Become your own therapist.
- Works for multiple types of Migraines & Headaches.
- 25 different intervention techniques, 1 for each type of head pain.
- Even more prevention and Auxiliary techniques to make Migraines and Headaches a thing of the past.
- One time purchase at a discounted rate.
- Lifetime access.
- Saves you money. save upwards of 1000$ every year, by eliminating the need for expensive treatments
- Get your life back! no more having to hide in bed! no more missing out on friends and family!
How the method was developed
The MHRMprotocolTM was developed in an evidence based approach. It started out more than 15 years ago as a set of cranial massages. These were combined with various other techniques and methodologies. By a process of trial and error the key elements were identified, isolated and adapted. Today the method encompasses more than 20+ techniques each one containing the key elements adapted and tested for various scenarios to give relief to practically all forms of Migraines & Headaches.

What Comes in the Package?
- 5 introductory lectures to cover the basics.
- 25 Intervention techniques to alleviate different types of pains & symptoms.
- Our proprietary Migraine & Headache Cheetsheet to guide you in the process.
- 10 adaptive sequences to fight even the toughest of Migraines & Headaches.
- Additional optional auxilairy techniques that make the method even more effective.
- Even more prevention techniques & strategies to avoid getting Migraines or headaches in the first place to whom it works.
- Theory section for those wanting to understand more.
- Exposition of some esoteric methodologies that work even in the most extreme cases.
- Online Resources available 24/7
- Support group of your peers and qualified therapists.
Once you have experienced this unique method, you will feel the immediate relief of your pain, accompanied by more emotional, physical and psychological benefits.
Be Pain Free
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